Saturday, April 10, 2021

"Rust and Bone" (2012), "The Father" (2020). Capsule reviews.

"Rust and Bone" (2012), Jacques Audiard. 

Marion Cotillard is just astounding as a marine park trainer in search of a new meaning in life after a devastating accident. Movie is sensual and dirty but dated, since lust for the low class hunk has been commodified by Tinder into easily disposable one-night stands.  I can't feel sympathy for the lumpen-proletariat and the story of redemption-by-woman. Still, movie has many moments of beauty (see photo).

"The Father" (2020), Florian Zeller. 

Terrifying movie about dementia.  Disorienting until we understand that we are seeing things from the point of view of the sufferer, a spectacular Anthony Hopkins in what is probably his swan song.  Once we get the gimmick we try to (re)solve the clues into a coherent situation, but the film ends being dishonest, since it abandons Anthony's POV to show the degeneration from the outside. Educational, but is it really different from a short advertising about the subject?  This is one end of the story for many Boomers, and given Covid-19 is not even the worst possible one. If I was in my sixties or seventies I would not watch this.

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