Thursday, June 4, 2020

"Space Force" (2020), Steve Carell & Greg Daniels

Greg Daniels' (The Office, Upload) "centrist" ideology shines though all the seams in this series, a thinly veiled attempt at hiding his nationalistic and pro-capitalism views wrapped in the sensibilities of an identity politics Democrat. Steve Carell is in charge of the new Outer Space division of the American military, hijinks ensue.  It is not a satire, because that would entail at least criticism of the establishment.  What we have instead are jokes about the poor and the uneducated, the working class and the fly-over Americans, treated with less respect than a monkey in space.  Coastal snobism is evident, even protecting a Theranos-like mogul from the consequences of her acts.  It's very bingeable though, with short episodes and high production values.

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